Ipari alkalmazások
Beépített képalkotással és világítással a kobotjaink képesek ellenőrizni, szétválogatni és felvenni a termékeket a futószalagról, mielőtt azokat a ládákba helyeznék. A gyártósorokat gyorsan hozzáigazíthatja az új termékekhez vagy szezonális modellekhez. A csomagolási alkalmazások a következők lehetnek: doboz-, láda- és kartoncsomagolás, pallettázás, valamint a raklapról való levétel, szétválogatás és komissiózás, valamint dobozépítés.


Innovative cobot application improves safety at Leica Geosystems
Collaborative robot automates tray handling and improves safety and ergonomics in a hazardous working area. Leica Geosystems is a global company that specialises in supplying premium sensors, software and services to professionals in surveying, construction, infrastructure, mining, aerospace, manufacturing and other industries. At its machine control facility in Odense, Denmark, the company needed a flexible, accurate and safe way of moving trays from a rack. These then needed to be placed precisely so that the items on the tray could be filled with epoxy material. The new solution also needed to be scalable. Leica Geosystems needed a versatile solution to automate the handling of trays of items being filled with epoxy material. They decided to use an OMRON TM collaborative robot (cobot). The OMRON cobot was recommended by Gibotech, one of OMRON’s Solution Partners.
Innovative cobot application improves safety at Leica Geosystems
Collaborative robot automates tray handling and improves safety and ergonomics in a hazardous working area. Leica Geosystems is a global company that specialises in supplying premium sensors, software and services to professionals in surveying, construction, infrastructure, mining, aerospace, manufacturing and other industries. At its machine control facility in Odense, Denmark, the company needed a flexible, accurate and safe way of moving trays from a rack. These then needed to be placed precisely so that the items on the tray could be filled with epoxy material. The new solution also needed to be scalable. Leica Geosystems needed a versatile solution to automate the handling of trays of items being filled with epoxy material. They decided to use an OMRON TM collaborative robot (cobot). The OMRON cobot was recommended by Gibotech, one of OMRON’s Solution Partners.
Innovatív cobotos alkalmazás fokozza a munkabiztonságot a Leica Geosystems vállalatnál
2021. február 11. A kollaboratív robot automatizálja a tálcák kezelését, továbbá javítja a munkabiztonságot és az ergonómiát a veszélyes munkaterületen.