
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]



Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]


Köszönjük, hogy regisztrálta magát az Omronnál

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kérjen közvetlen hozzáférést

Adja meg az alábbi adatokat, és közvetlen hozzáférést biztosítunk az oldalon levő tartalomhoz

Text error notification

Text error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]


Köszönjük érdeklődését!

Most már hozzáférhet a következőkhöz: V680/V680S

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Tovább erre az oldalra

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3 az 1-ben RFID rendszer: antenna, erősítő és vezérlő egyetlen kompakt tokban

A V680S RFID rendszer univerzális kivitele megkönnyíti a telepítést. Az ipari alkalmazásokhoz ideális Modbus TCP-kapcsolaton keresztüli kommunikáció révén a rendszer könnyen bővíthető. A beépített webböngésző felületen keresztüli konfigurálás gyors, és nem igényel extra szoftvereket vagy speciális kábeleket.

  • Ethernet (Modbus TCP)
  • Webböngészőből konfigurálható beállítások, monitorozás és kommunikáció az RFID címkékkel
  • RFID analizátor
  • Kapcsolatdiagnosztika

Specifikáció és rendelési információ

Ordering information


RF tag

Type Memory capacity Appearance Size Installation Order code
Battery-less 2 kbytes 40 × 40 × 5 mm For flush mounting on metallic surface V680S-D2KF67M
For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680S-D2KF67
86 × 54 × 10 mm For flush mounting on metallic surface V680S-D2KF68M
For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680S-D2KF68
8 kbytes 40 × 40 × 5 mm For flush mounting on metallic surface V680S-D8KF67M
V680S-D8KF6_M/V680S-D8KF6_ can be used with V680S series Reader/Writer version 2.00 or higher.
For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680S-D8KF67
V680S-D8KF6_M/V680S-D8KF6_ can be used with V680S series Reader/Writer version 2.00 or higher.
86 × 54 × 10 mm For flush mounting on metallic surface V680S-D8KF68M
V680S-D8KF6_M/V680S-D8KF6_ can be used with V680S series Reader/Writer version 2.00 or higher.
For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680S-D8KF68
V680S-D8KF6_M/V680S-D8KF6_ can be used with V680S series Reader/Writer version 2.00 or higher.


RF tag

Type Memory capacity Appearance Size Installation Order code
Battery-less 1 kbyte 20 dia. × 2.7 mm For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680-D1KP54T
34 × 34 × 3.5 mm For flush mounting on metallic surface V680-D1KP66MT
For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680-D1KP66T
Environment-resistant type
95 × 36.5 × 6.5 mm For flush mounting on nonmetallic surface V680-D1KP66T-SP
High-temperature type
80 dia. × t10 mm For mounting with special attachment V680-D1KP58HTN

V680 series 8kbyte RF Tag (V680-D8KF67,V680-D8KF67M and V680-D8KF68A) can communicate with V680S series Reader/Writer. For details, refer to the User's Manual (Cat. No. Z339).


Type Appearance Size Network Order code
Reader/Writer 50 × 50 × 30 mm EtherNet/IP V680S-HMD63-EIP
75 × 75 × 40 mm EtherNet/IP V680S-HMD64-EIP
120 × 120 × 40 mm EtherNet/IP V680S-HMD66-EIP
50 × 50 × 30 mm Modbus TCP (TCP/IP) V680S-HMD63-ETN
75 × 75 × 40 mm V680S-HMD64-ETN
120 × 120 × 40 mm V680S-HMD66-ETN

RF tag attachment

Type Appearance Order code
For the V680-D1KP66T V600-A86
For the V680-D1KP58HTN V680-A80
For the V680-D1KP54T V700-A80


Type Appearance Length Order code
Special connector – RJ45 2 m V680S-A41 2M
5 m V680S-A41 5M
10 m V680S-A41 10M
Special connector – Loose wires 2 m V680S-A42 2M
5 m V680S-A42 5M
10 m V680S-A42 10M

Extension cable

Type Appearance Length Order code
Special connector – Special connector 10 m V680S-A40 10M
20 m V680S-A40 20M
50 m V680S-A40 50M

The maximum extendable cable length using the cable and extension cable is 60 m. Only one extension cable can be used.

Industrial switching hubs (Recommended hubs)

Type Appearance Specifications Order code
Functions No. of ports Failure detection
Industrial switching hubs
Quality of Service (QoS): 
EtherNet/IP control data priority
Failure detection: 
Broadcast storm and LSI error detection 
10/100BASE-TX, Auto-Negotiation
3 No W4S1-03B
5 No W4S1-05B
5 Yes W4S1-05C

RFID Units

RFID Units Appearance Product name Amplifier/Antenna No. of unit
numbers used
Order code
NX-series RFID Units RFID Units V680 series 1 NX-V680C1
2 NX-V680C2



RF tag (2-kbyte Memory)

Item V680S-D2KF67 V680S-D2KF67M V680S-D2KF68 V680S-D2KF68M
Memory capacity 2,000bytes (user area)
Memory type FRAM
Data retention 10 years after writing (85°C or less)
Memory life One trillion writes for each block (85°C or less), Access frequency
The number of accesses is the total number of reads and writes.
: One trillion accesses
Ambient operating temperature −20 to 85°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage temperature −40 to 125°C (with no icing)
Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85%
Degree of protection IP68 (IEC 60529:2001), Oil resistance equivalent to IP67G (JIS C 0920:2003, Appendix 1)
Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.
IPX9K (DIN 40 050)
Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 2,000 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 150 m/s², 10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 15 minutes each No abnormality after application of 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100 m/s², 10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 11 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (Total: 18 times)
Dimensions (W×H×D) 40 × 40 × 5 mm 86 × 54 × 10 mm
Materials Exterior: PPS resin
Weight Approx. 11.5 g Approx. 12 g Approx. 44 g Approx. 46 g
Metal countermeasures None Provided None Provided

For details, refer to the User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z339).

RF Tag (8-kbyte Memory)

Item V680S-D8KF67 V680S-D8KF67M V680S-D8KF68 V680S-D8KF68M
Memory capacity 8,192 bytes (user area)
Memory type FRAM
Data retention 10 years after writing (85°C or less)
Memory life One trillion writes for each block (85°C or less), Access frequency
The number of accesses is the total number of reads and writes.
: One trillion accesses
Ambient operating temperature −20 to 85°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage temperature −40 to 125°C (with no icing)
Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85%
Degree of protection IP68 (IEC 60529:2001), Oil resistance equivalent to IP67G (JIS C 0920:2003, Appendix 1)
Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.
IPX9K (DIN 40 050)
Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 2,000 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 150 m/s², 10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 15 minutes each No abnormality after application of 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100 m/s², 10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 11 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (Total: 18 times)
Dimensions (W×H×D) 40 × 40 × 5 mm 86 × 54 × 10 mm
Materials Exterior: PPS resin
Weight Approx. 11.5 g Approx. 12 g Approx. 44 g Approx. 46 g
Metal countermeasures None Provided None Provided

For details, refer to the User’s Manual (Cat. No. Z339).


RF Tag (1-kbyte Memory)

Item V680-D1KP54T V680-D1KP66T V680-D1KP66MT V680-D1KP66T-SP
Memory capacity 1,000 bytes (user area)
Memory type EEPROM
Data retention time 10 years after writing (85°C or less), 0.5 year after writing (85 to 125°C)
Total data retention at high temperatures exceeding 125°C is 10 hours
After storing data at high temperatures, rewrite the data even if changes are not required. High temperatures are those exceeding 125°C up to 180°C.
10 years after writing (85°C or less)
Write endurance 100,000 writes for each block (25°C)
Ambient operating temperature
(during transmission)
−25 to 85°C (with no icing) During RF Tag communications:
−25 to 70°C (with no icing)Not during RF Tag communications:
−40 to 110°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage temperature
(during data backup)

−40 to 125°C (with no icing)

Heat resistance:
1,000 thermal cycles each of 30 minutes at −10°C/150°C,
High temperature storage: 1,000 hours at 150°C
150°C heat resistance: The heat resistance has been checked at 150°C for up to 1,000 hours, and thermal shock has been checked through testing 1,000 thermal cycles each of 30 minutes at –10/150°C. (Test samples: 22, defects: 0)

200 thermal cycles each of 30 minutes at −10°C/180°C,
High temperature storage: 200 hours at 180°C
180°C heat resistance: The heat resistance has been checked at 180°C for up to 200 hours, and thermal shock has been checked through testing 200 thermal cycles each of 30 minutes at –10°C/180°C. (Test samples: 22, defects: 0)
−40 to 110°C (with no icing)
Ambient operating humidity 35 to 95%
Degree of protection

IP67 (IEC 60529:2001)

Oil resistance equivalent to IP67G
(JIS C 0920:2003, Appendix 1)
Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.

IP68 (IEC 60529:2001)

Oil resistance equivalent to IP67G
(JIS C 0920:2003, Appendix 1)
Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.
Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 2,000 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude,
acceleration: 150 m/s², 10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 15 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (Total: 18 times)
Appearance 20 dia. × 2.7 mm 34 × 34 × 3.5 mm 95×36.5×6.5 mm
(excluding protruding parts)
Materials PPS resin

Exterior: PFA fluororesin

RF Tag filling: PPS resin

Weight Approx. 2 g Approx. 6 g Approx. 7.5 g Approx. 20 g
Metal countermeasures None None Provided None

For details, refer to the User's Manual (Cat. No. Z339).

RF Tag (1-kbyte Memory with High-temperature Capability)

Item V680-D1KP58HTN
Memory capacity 1,000 bytes (user area)
Memory type EEPROM
Data retention

10 years after writing (85°C or less), 0.5 year after writing (85 to 125°C)

Total data retention at high temperatures exceeding 125°C is 10 hours

After storing data at high temperatures, rewrite the data even if changes are not required. High temperatures are those exceeding 125°C up to 180°C.

Write endurance 100,000 writes for each block (25°C)
Ambient operating temperature
(during transmission)
−25 to 85°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage temperature
(during data backup)
−40 to 250°C (with no icing) (Data retention: −40 to 125°C)
Ambient storage humidity No restrictions.
Degree of protection

IP67 (IEC 60529:2001)

Oil resistance equivalent to IP67G (JIS C 0920:2003, Appendix 1)

Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.

Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 2,000 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 150 m/s²,
10 sweeps each in X, Y, and Z directions for 15 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions (Total: 18 times)
Materials Exterior: PPS resin
Weight Approx. 70 g

For details, refer to the User's Manual (Cat. No. Z339).










Dimensions (W×H×D) 50×50×30mm
(excluding protruding parts and cables)
(excluding protruding parts and cables)
(excluding protruding parts and cables)
Power supply voltage 24 VDC (−15% to 10%)
Consumption current 0.2 A max.
Ambient operating temperature −10 to +55°C (with no icing)
Ambient operating humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation)
Ambient storage temperature −25 to 70°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation)
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC) between cable terminals and case
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min between cable terminals and case
Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100 m/s²,
10 sweeps in each of 3 axis directions (up/down, left/right, and forward/backward) for 11 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in 6 directions (Total: 18 times)
Degree of protection

IP67 (IEC 60529: 2001)

Oil resistance equivalent to IP67F (JIS C 0920: 2003, Appendix 1)

Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.

Materials Case: PBT resin, Filled resin: Urethane resin
Mass Approx. 240 g Approx. 390 g Approx. 760 g
Installation method Reader/Writer: Two M4 screws
(Use a screw of 12 mm or more in length.)

Branch cable joint: One M4 screws

Four M4 screws
(Use a screw of 12 mm or more in length.)
Host device communications interface Ethernet 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Host device communications protocol EtherNet/IP, PROFINET
Accessories Instruction Sheet, Description of Regulations and Standard, IP address label

The 0.5 m cable with two M12 connectors is attached to the Reader/Writer. The cable cannot be removed.

Modbus TCP

Item V680S-HMD63-ETN V680S-HMD64-ETN V680S-HMD66-ETN
Dimensions 50×50× 30
(excluding protruding parts)
75× 75× 40
(excluding protruding parts)
120× 120× 40mm
(excluding protruding parts)
Power supply voltage 24 VDC (–15% to 10%)
Consumption current 0.2A max.
Ambient operating temperature –10 to 55°C (with no icing)
Ambient operating humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation)
Ambient storage temperature −25 to 70°C (with no icing)
Ambient storage humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation)
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC) between cable terminals and case
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min between cable terminals and case
Vibration resistance No abnormality after application of 10 to 500 Hz, 1.5-mm double amplitude, acceleration: 100 m/s²,
10 sweeps in each of 3 axis directions (up/down, left/right, and forward/backward) for 11 minutes each
Shock resistance No abnormality after application of 500 m/s², 3 times each in 6 directions (Total: 18 times)
Degree of protection

IP67 (IEC 60529: 2001)

Oil resistance equivalent to IP67F (JIS C 0920: 2003, Appendix 1)

Oil resistance has been tested using a specific oil as defined in the OMRON test method.

Materials Case: PBT resin, Filled resin: Urethane resin
Mass Approx. 120 g Approx. 270 g Approx. 640 g
Installation method Two M4 screws
(Use a screw of 12 mm or more in length.)
Four M4 screws
(Use a screw of 12 mm or more in length.)
Host device communications
Ethernet 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Host device communications
Accessories Instruction sheet, Description of Regulations and Standard, IP address label, Ferrite core
Provided only with the V680S-HMD66-ETN.

System configuration

The below shows the configuration for 1 to 1 connection. Multiple Reader/Writers can be connected by using a switching hub.


Modbus TCP

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Ha kérdése van, vagy árajánlatot szeretne kérni, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot, vagy küldjön kérelmet.

+36 1 399 3050

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A *-gal jelölt mezőket kérjük kitölteni. Adatait bizalmasan kezeljük.

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Country error notification

Checkbox error notification

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Köszönjük megkeresését. Hamarosan kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.

Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]

+36 1 399 3050
+36 1 399 3050
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Kérjen árajánlatot

Idézet a következőre: V680/V680S

Az alábbi űrlap kitöltésével kérhet ajánlatot kiválasztott termékeinkről. A *-gal jelölt mezőket kérjük kitölteni. Adatait bizalmasan kezeljük.

v680s group 2015 cropped sm rgb prod

Személyes adatok


Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Text error notification

Country error notification

Idézet részletei

Select notification error

Select notification error

Text area error notification

Checkbox error notification

Checkbox error notification

Köszönjük érdeklődését. Hamarosan továbbítjuk Önnek a kért információt.

Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]

Kérjen árajánlatot
Kérjen árajánlatot

Gépkönyvek, adatlapok, letöltések

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RFID Communications Library SYSMAC-XR019 Felhasználói kézikönyv
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V680 Series - FL Remote ID, Antenna, RF Tag Felhasználói kézikönyv
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V680 Series RFID System Hand-held Reader Writer Felhasználói kézikönyv
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