FH kamerák
FH Vision kamerák portfóliója – a megfelelő kamera minden alkalmazáshoz
Ez a termékcsalád a területletapogató kamerák teljes választékát magában foglalja, így a képalkotást alkalmazó iparágak minden alkalmazásához garantáltan megoldást jelent. Rendkívül kompakt miniatűr kamerák beépített megvilágítással, valamint teljes C és M42 méretű fényképezőgépek 21 Mpix-ig. Ezek a készülékek mind plug and play módon csatlakoztathatók a nagy teljesítményű FH/FZ5 Vision vezérlőhöz.

Vision System FH series
The FH-series Vision System provides higher speed and precision for Machine cycle time and is loaded with all of the performance required to move Machines quickly and at high precision into a compact Controller for embedding into Machine. And even though the Camera/communications interfaces, image processing algorithms, and other features of this complete image processing system are built into one housing, the flexibility of a PC-based image processing system is also provided to help increase eciency in the frequent reuse of Machine designs and in design changes.
Vision System FH series
The FH-series Vision System provides higher speed and precision for Machine cycle time and is loaded with all of the performance required to move Machines quickly and at high precision into a compact Controller for embedding into Machine. And even though the Camera/communications interfaces, image processing algorithms, and other features of this complete image processing system are built into one housing, the flexibility of a PC-based image processing system is also provided to help increase eciency in the frequent reuse of Machine designs and in design changes.Kamerák egész családja különféle alkalmazásokhoz

FH-series Vision System Adatlap

Mesterséges intelligencián alapuló hibadetektálás funkcióval kiegészített FH képfeldolgozó rendszert
A képfeldolgozó rendszer az emberéhez hasonló érzékenységgel azonosítja be a finom hibákat, így magasabb hibaészlelési arányt lehet vele elérni.
Kamerák egész családja különféle alkalmazásokhoz
Gyorsabb gépüzemeltetés
A szoftver és a hardver egyszerű integrációja
Rendkívül nagy sebességű érzékelési technológia kompakt kivitelben
Az FH/FZ intelligens kamerák mindenféle tárgyellenőrzési, pozicionálási/tájolási és mérési művelethez használhatók. Ez a kompakt kamera- és vezérlőrendszer szinte bármilyen gépbe vagy robotba könnyen integrálható. A rendszer egyedülálló módon képes gyorsabb, pontosabb feldolgozási átbocsátást biztosítani – így nagyobb hatékonyságot, alacsonyabb költségeket biztosít sok egyéb mellett.
Optimális működés online és offline üzemmódban is
Hálózati merevlemezhez vagy hálózati számítógéphez való csatlakoztatás esetén számos különféle művelet lehetséges. A mérési képeket hosszú távra naplózhatja, vagy ellenőrzéseket és beállításokat végezhet a számítógépen a vezérlőegység/kamera leállítása nélkül.
Innovatív világítási megoldások
- Az MDMC világítással egy milliszekundum alatt megváltoztathatja a világítás színét vagy irányát. A legjobb mintát a 13 blokk megvilágítási irányának, a full color RGB-színének és a 128 fényerőszint állításának kombinálásával választhatja ki
- A termékcserék során nincs szükség hardvercserére.
- Próbálja ki az Önnek megfelelő vizsgálati funkciót – egyszerű, gyors és megbízható funkciók
- Több száz megvilágítástípus egyetlen egységben
- A PMS Light kamerarendszer ugyanazt képes felismerni, amit a legokosabb optikai eszköz, az emberi szem is
- Növeli az automatikus vizuális vizsgálatok arányát – megbízható, megismételhető és produktív
- Még a legnagyobb kihívást jelentő felületeken is képes robusztus vizuális vizsgálati megoldást kínálni
Az FH képfeldolgozó rendszer támogatja a legmodernebb, leggyorsabb és az iparágban széles körben elfogadott adatátviteli protokollokat is – így a ProfiNetet is
Az OMRON Sysmac platformjának előnyeit kihasználva a kamerarendszer készülékbe való integrálása még soha nem volt ilyen egyszerű. Nem csupán a termék vizsgálatára, de annak mozgatására, szabályozására és tervezésére szolgáló komplett megoldásokat kínálunk ügyfeleink folyamatai és gyártási műveletei számára. Legyen szó akár egyszeri vizsgálatról, vagy akár egy teljes gyártósor ellenőrzési feladatairól – az egyszerű és érthető felépítésre koncentrálunk, hogy megkönnyítsük életét és így növelhesse produktivitását.
1KialakításA többször használható kód csökkenti a fejlesztési időt.
2EllenőrzésA szimuláció és nyomon követés a képfeldolgozó rendszerből kapott információk alapján végezhető el.
3VégrehajtásA fejlett gépvezérlés egyszerűen elérhető.
- Összeszerelő sorok
- Minőség-ellenőrzési vizsgálósorok
- Kozmetikai vizsgálat
- Nagy pontosságú mérési alkalmazások
- Minőség-ellenőrzés
- Folyadék-/portöltő sorok
- Elsődleges, másodlagos csomagolás
- Tárgyfelszedés és -elhelyezés
Nyomonkövethetőségi célok
- Nyomtatás és címkeellenőrzés
- Nyomonkövetési alkalmazások

Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:
Omron's FH vision system helps improve efficiency and quality in production lines
Automated sensory inspection has been a challenge for automation for years Automation inspections are introduced to find scratches and dents on products, but these may overlook unexpected defects or recognize light stains as defects and over detect defective products. Over detection leads to secondary human inspections as well as overlooked products escape to post-processes decreasing yields. The introduction to automated sensory inspections takes time, resources, and expertise. Omron solves these issues through its vision sensors using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The FH Vision System Series reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. The FH Vision System Series has an inspection algorithm using AI or AI Fine Matching installed. AI Fine Matching detects only the features not found on good products as defects. Training with images of various good products builds an AI model that helps automate inspection processes. The more the various good images you provide, the better the inspection accuracy. In this way, the AI model learns about variation in the shape and color of good products. An AI model misses no tiny scratch or dent. The AI Fine Matching enables streamlining the inspection flow and reduces the number of inspections preventing overdetection and wasteful secondary inspections. AI Fine Matching improves yields by preventing the overlook of defective products that escape to post-processes. Learn more about FH Vision System Series:
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Cap Inspection | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. An automated inspection system may over detect by flagging good products as defective under strict criteria to prevent defective products from being marketed. The implementation of automated inspection requires adjustment for different bottles and caps. Because the transfer of setup and adjustment knowledge to other inspection lines hinders the adoption of automated inspection, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Fine Matching | FH-series Vision System
Automated sensory inspection has been extremely difficult to automate for a long time. Do you have any concern about missing defects or overdetecting them in your visual inspection process? An automated inspection system designed to find scratches and dents on products may overlook other types of defects that are unexpected. Because the implementation of automated inspection can be time-consuming and typically requires specialized knowledge, many manufacturers give up on the idea. OMRON solves these issues by combining its powerful vision sensors with artificial intelligence. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. By training upon images of various good products, the system builds an AI model. The FH-series suggests training images and assists with the construction of a workable AI model in the shortest period of time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
2D Robot Vision System| FH-series Vision System
Manufacturers increasingly need automation and labour-saving solutions to prevent infection and overcome the labour shortage. Are you considering automating transfer and assembly with robot vision systems at your manufacturing site? OMRON offers the perfect solution for you, the FH-series Vision System. The FH Series can be easily connected to various robots. Automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection can be performed simultaneously. OMRON offers a 2D robot vision system solution. A vision system program and robot program need to be prepared to connect a vision system to a robot. OMRON provides these programs for easy implementation. Programs for pick, grip correction, place and combined applications are available. The FH Series can be mounted on a robot hand or arm. The FH-series Vision System enables automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection at the same time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
2D Robot Vision System| FH-series Vision System
Manufacturers increasingly need automation and labour-saving solutions to prevent infection and overcome the labour shortage. Are you considering automating transfer and assembly with robot vision systems at your manufacturing site? OMRON offers the perfect solution for you, the FH-series Vision System. The FH Series can be easily connected to various robots. Automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection can be performed simultaneously. OMRON offers a 2D robot vision system solution. A vision system program and robot program need to be prepared to connect a vision system to a robot. OMRON provides these programs for easy implementation. Programs for pick, grip correction, place and combined applications are available. The FH Series can be mounted on a robot hand or arm. The FH-series Vision System enables automated transfer and assembly and advanced inspection at the same time. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Connector Inspection Function | FH-series Vision System and Cameras
The OMRON Connector Inspection Function in the FH-series integrates settings required for pin position detection and allows users to perform complicated dimensional inspections like coplanarity inspection just by selecting inspection items. A search model can be shared between different types of connectors, reducing configuration time when new types are added. Just change the number if inspection areas for connectors with different numbers of pins to complete adjustment. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
Connector Inspection Function | FH-series Vision System and Cameras
The OMRON Connector Inspection Function in the FH-series integrates settings required for pin position detection and allows users to perform complicated dimensional inspections like coplanarity inspection just by selecting inspection items. A search model can be shared between different types of connectors, reducing configuration time when new types are added. Just change the number if inspection areas for connectors with different numbers of pins to complete adjustment. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Filter | FH-series Vision System
OMRON is using artificial intelligence to reproduce the visual sensitivity and experience of human inspectors. The AI filter detects scratches with human-like sensitivity. Using an AI filter equipped with defect extraction technology, only the points that are estimated to be scratches with be automatically extracted. The AI algorithms extract the scratch itself, rather than the definition based on colour and brightness. This makes defect detection much more stable flaw. The AI filter eliminates missed defects and AI Fine Matching avoids overdetection almost entirely. No special environment construction or expertise required. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:
AI Filter | FH-series Vision System
OMRON is using artificial intelligence to reproduce the visual sensitivity and experience of human inspectors. The AI filter detects scratches with human-like sensitivity. Using an AI filter equipped with defect extraction technology, only the points that are estimated to be scratches with be automatically extracted. The AI algorithms extract the scratch itself, rather than the definition based on colour and brightness. This makes defect detection much more stable flaw. The AI filter eliminates missed defects and AI Fine Matching avoids overdetection almost entirely. No special environment construction or expertise required. OMRON offers the best combination of camera and controller for your inspection systems in terms of precision, speed and cost. The FH-series vision system reproduces human sensibility and experience with AI technology. Learn more about FH-series Vision System here: Learn more about FH Smart Cameras here:Specifikáció és rendelési információ
Termékek | Communication port(s) | Number of pixels | Focus distance | Autofocus | Camera family | Camera type | Frame rate | Illumination | Image width | Image height | Scan type | Shutter type | Image sensor format | Image sensor type | Lens mount | Lens type | Pixel size | Degree of protection (IP) | Leírás | |
2.0 MP | No | FH | Color | 219 fps | None | 2040 pixels | 1088 pixels | Area scan | Global | 2/3" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.5 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, color |
4.0 MP | No | FH | Color | 118 fps | None | 2040 pixels | 2048 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.5 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, color |
5.0 MP | No | FH | Color | 14 fps | None | 2592 pixels | 1944 pixels | Area scan | Rolling | 1/2.5" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 2.2 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 5 m pixel, color, rolling shutter |
20.4 MP | No | FH | Color | 25.6 fps | None | 5544 pixels | 3692 pixels | Area scan | Rolling | 1" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 2.4 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 20.4 MPixel, c-Mount, rolling shutter, color |
0.4 MP | No | FH | Color | 523.6 fps | None | 720 pixels | 540 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/2.9" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 6.9 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 0.4 MPixel, c-Mount, global shutter, color |
1.6 MP | No | FH | Color | 154.6 fps | None | 1440 pixels | 1080 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/2.9" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP40 | FH Camera, high speed, 1.6 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, colour |
3.2 MP | No | FH | Color | 151.4 fps | None | 2046 pixels | 1536 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/1.8" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP40 | FH Camera, high speed, 3.2 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, colour |
5.0 MP | No | FH | Color | 97.2 fps | None | 2448 pixels | 2048 pixels | Area scan | Global | 2/3" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 5 MPixel, c-Mount, global shutter, color |
12 MP | No | FH | Color | 40.1 fps | None | 4092 pixels | 3000 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1.1" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 12 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, color |
0.3 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 308 fps | None | 640 pixels | 480 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/3" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 7.4 µm | IP10 | FH camera, standard resolution, monochrome |
2.0 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 219 fps | None | 2040 pixels | 1088 pixels | Area scan | Global | 2/3" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.5 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, monochrome |
4.0 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 118 fps | None | 2040 pixels | 2048 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.5 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, monochrome |
5.0 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 14 fps | None | 2592 pixels | 1944 pixels | Area scan | Rolling | 1/2.5" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 2.2 µm | IP10 | FH camera, high resolution 5 m pixel, monochrome, rolling shutter |
20.4 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 25.6 fps | None | 5544 pixels | 3692 pixels | Area scan | Rolling | 1" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 2.4 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 20.4 MPixel, c-Mount, rolling shutter, monochrome |
0.4 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 523.6 fps | None | 720 pixels | 540 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/2.9" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 6.9 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 0.4 MPixel, c-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
None | 0.3 MP | No | FH | Monochrome, SWIR | 240 fps | None | 640 pixels | 512 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/4" | IMX991 | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.0 µm | IP40 | FH SWIR Camera, 0.3 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
1.6 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 154.6 fps | None | 1440 pixels | 1080 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/2.9" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP40 | FH Camera, high speed, 1.6 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
None | 1.3 MP | No | FH | Monochrome, SWIR | 120 fps | None | 1280 pixels | 1024 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/2" | IMX990 | C-mount | Not Applicable | 5.0 µm | IP40 | FH SWIR Camera,1.3 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
3.2 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 151.4 fps | None | 2046 pixels | 1536 pixels | Area scan | Global | 1/1.8" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP40 | FH Camera, high speed, 3.2 MPixel, C-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
5.0 MP | No | FH | Monochrome | 97.2 fps | None | 2448 pixels | 2048 pixels | Area scan | Global | 2/3" | CMOS | C-mount | Not Applicable | 3.45 µm | IP10 | FH Camera, high speed, 5 MPixel, c-Mount, global shutter, monochrome |
Bármely gyártáshoz illeszkedő, szinte végtelen számú kombináció áll rendelkezésünkre.
Vegyék fel velem a kapcsolatot FH kamerák

Köszönjük megkeresését. Hamarosan kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]
DownloadIdézet a következőre: FH kamerák
Az alábbi űrlap kitöltésével kérhet ajánlatot kiválasztott termékeinkről. A *-gal jelölt mezőket kérjük kitölteni. Adatait bizalmasan kezeljük.

Köszönjük érdeklődését. Hamarosan továbbítjuk Önnek a kért információt.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]
Kapcsolódó termékek
Miben segíthetünk?
Ha kérdése van, vagy árajánlatot szeretne kérni, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot, vagy küldjön kérelmet.
Vegyék fel velem a kapcsolatot FH kamerák

Köszönjük megkeresését. Hamarosan kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]
DownloadIdézet a következőre: FH kamerák
Az alábbi űrlap kitöltésével kérhet ajánlatot kiválasztott termékeinkről. A *-gal jelölt mezőket kérjük kitölteni. Adatait bizalmasan kezeljük.

Köszönjük érdeklődését. Hamarosan továbbítjuk Önnek a kért információt.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]