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Az F3SG-SR/PG sorozat biztonsági fényfüggönyök és többsugaras biztonsági érzékelők széles választékát kínálja, amelyek számos alkalmazási területhez használhatók a gépnyílásoktól kezdve a terület- és hozzáférésvédelemig.
- A legszélesebb termékkínálat a tervezési rugalmasság és a szabványosítás növelése érdekében:
– Leegyszerűsíti a termékkiválasztás és a géptervezés folyamatát, hogy mindkét alkalmazáshoz ugyanaz a kompakt típus használható
– Nagy működési tartománya révén bármilyen terület teljesen lefedhető - Nagy működési tartomány és stabil érzékelés az egyedi, nagy teljesítményű optikai kialakításnak köszönhetően: az F3SG-SR biztonsági fényfüggöny akár 20 m-ről, az F3SG-PG többsugaras biztonsági érzékelő akár 70 m-ről, még kihívást jelentő környezetekben is képes érzékelni
- Strapabíró kialakításuk révén minden sorozat ellenáll a környezeti behatásoknak és az olajnak (IP67G) is, valamint opcionálisan olyan modellek is elérhetők, amelyek nagynyomású mosóberendezéssel is tisztíthatók (IP69K)
- Gyorstelepítés: a területi intenzitásjelző (ABI) megkönnyíti a nagy távolságú alkalmazások beállítását, finomhangolását
- Egyszerű diagnosztika: az üzemállapot-jelzők segítenek meghatározni a lehetséges hibákat és a készülék várható élettartalmát
- Holttér nélküli védett terület*1 mindkét oldalon: a védett területen belül bárhol érzékeli a kezelő kezét, még sorba kötött vagy U-alakú telepítés esetén is
- Az intelligens beállítómodul másolás és visszaállítás funkciójának köszönhetően a készülék azonnal működőképes. A Bluetooth® kapcsolat segítségével a távoli felügyelet is megoldható
- Az intelligens beállító modul használatával IO-Link kapcsolaton (IoT-hez használható) keresztül biztosítható a távoli felügyelet és a működési adatok begyűjtése a nem tervezett leállások megelőzéséhez
Specifikáció és rendelési információ
Termékek | Sensing method | Type of safety according to IEC 61496-1 | Type of protection | Detection capability | Safety field height | Number of beams | Beam spacing | Maximum safety range | Key features | Degree of protection (IP) | Cascadable | Leírás | |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 2 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 2, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 20.0 m, Product length 670 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 670 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 670 mm | 2 | 500 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 2 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 670 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 970 mm | 3 | 400 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 3 beams, range 0.5 to 20.0 m, Product length 970 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 970 mm | 3 | 400 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 3 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 970 mm, Active/Active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 20 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1070 mm | 4 | 300 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 1070 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 20 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 20 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/active |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 5 m | Active/passive, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 5 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/passive |
Safety multi-beam | 4 | Body protection | 1370 mm | 4 | 400 mm | 70 m | Active/active, Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67 | No | Safety Multi-Light Beam, F3SG-PG Perimeter Guarding, Type 4, 4 beams, range 0.5 to 70 m, product length 1370 mm, Active/active |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 200 mm | 19 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 200 mm | 10 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 280 mm | 27 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 280 mm | 14 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 360 mm | 35 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 360 mm | 18 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 440 mm | 43 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 440 mm | 22 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 520 mm | 51 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 520 mm | 26 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 600 mm | 59 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 600 mm | 30 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 680 mm | 67 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 680 mm | 34 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 720 mm | 71 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 760 mm | 75 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 760 mm | 38 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 840 mm | 83 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 840 mm | 42 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 880 mm | 87 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 920 mm | 91 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 920 mm | 46 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Area Beam Indicator, Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Vibration detection, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRA Advanced, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 160 mm | 15 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 160 mm | 8 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 160 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 200 mm | 19 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 200 mm | 10 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 240 mm | 23 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 240 mm | 12 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 240 mm | 6 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 240 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 280 mm | 27 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 280 mm | 14 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 280 mm | 4 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 320 mm | 31 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 320 mm | 16 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 320 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 360 mm | 35 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 360 mm | 18 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 39 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 400 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 400 mm | 20 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 400 mm | 10 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 440 mm | 43 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 440 mm | 22 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 440 mm | 6 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 480 mm | 47 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 480 mm | 24 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 480 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 520 mm | 51 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 520 mm | 26 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 560 mm | 55 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 560 mm | 28 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 560 mm | 14 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 560 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 600 mm | 59 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 600 mm | 30 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 600 mm | 8 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 640 mm | 63 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 640 mm | 32 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 640 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 680 mm | 67 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 680 mm | 34 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 720 mm | 71 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 720 mm | 36 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 720 mm | 18 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 720 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 760 mm | 75 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 760 mm | 38 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 760 mm | 10 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 800 mm | 79 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 800 mm | 40 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 840 mm | 83 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 840 mm | 42 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 880 mm | 87 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 880 mm | 44 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 880 mm | 22 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 880 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 920 mm | 91 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 920 mm | 46 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Body protection | 85 mm | 920 mm | 12 | 80 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 85 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 960 mm | 95 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 960 mm | 48 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 960 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1000 mm | 99 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1000 mm | 50 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1040 mm | 52 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1040 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1120 mm | 56 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1120 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1200 mm | 119 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1200 mm | 60 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1200 mm | 30 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1200 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1280 mm | 64 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1360 mm | 68 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1360 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1400 mm | 139 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1400 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1440 mm | 72 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1440 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1520 mm | 76 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Arm/leg protection | 45 mm | 1520 mm | 38 | 40 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 45 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1520 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1600 mm | 159 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1600 mm | 80 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1600 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1680 mm | 84 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1680 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1760 mm | 88 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1760 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 1800 mm | 179 | 10 mm | 8 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 8.0 m, height 1800 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1840 mm | 92 | 20 mm | 16 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment | IP65/IP67/IP69K | No | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB IP69K version, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 16.0 m, height 1840 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 1920 mm | 96 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 1920 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Finger protection | 14 mm | 2000 mm | 199 | 10 mm | 10 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 14 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0 m, height 2000 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2080 mm | 104 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2080 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2280 mm | 114 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2280 mm, PNP/NPN |
Safety light curtain | 4 | Hand protection | 25 mm | 2480 mm | 124 | 20 mm | 20 m | Auxiliary output, Blanking, Designated beam output, External Device Monitoring (EDM), External test, Interlock, Muting, Mutual interference prevention, Operating range selection, PNP/NPN selection, Pre-reset, Response time adjustment, Warning zone | IP65/IP67/IP67G | Yes | Safety Light Curtain, F3SG-SRB Standard, Type 4, 25 mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0 m, height 2480 mm, PNP/NPN |
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Vegyék fel velem a kapcsolatot F3SG-SR/PG

Köszönjük megkeresését. Hamarosan kapcsolatba lépünk Önnel.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]
DownloadIdézet a következőre: F3SG-SR/PG
Az alábbi űrlap kitöltésével kérhet ajánlatot kiválasztott termékeinkről. A *-gal jelölt mezőket kérjük kitölteni. Adatait bizalmasan kezeljük.

Köszönjük érdeklődését. Hamarosan továbbítjuk Önnek a kért információt.
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]
Védelmi alkalmazások széles választéka
F3SG-SR – Védelem a gépnyílásoknál
- Ujjvédelem
- Kézvédelem
- Kar-/lábvédelem
- Testvédelem
F3SG-PG – A berendezés közvetlen környezetének védelme
- Hozzáférés-védelem
- Távoli területvédelem
- Passzív tükrös területvédelem
Tökéletesen zárt felépítés a környezeti behatásokkal szembeni még jobb védelem érdekében
Az egyedi kialakítás védi az optikai felületet. A biztos tömítés révén folyadékok nem juthatnak be a fényfüggöny belsejébe, ily módon a berendezés háza még a kihívást jelentő környezeti behatásoknak is ellenáll.
A nagy teljesítményű optikai rendszer stabil érzékelést biztosít
Az érzékelési képesség még kihívást jelentő környezetekben is megbízható: az F3SG-SR biztonsági fényfüggöny működési tartománya akár 20 m, az F3SG-PG többsugaras biztonsági érzékelő tartománya akár 70 m is lehet.
Nagy működési tartomány az egyedi optikai kialakításnak köszönhetően
A nagy távolságú érzékelés védelmet biztosít a gépnyílásokhoz és a berendezés közvetlen környezetéhez is.
Területi intenzitásjelző (ABI) az intenzitásállapot gyors felméréséhez
Könnyen ellenőrizhető a fényfüggöny be- vagy kikapcsolt állapota és az alacsony fényintenzitás. Az ABI megkönnyíti a nagy távolságú alkalmazások finombeállítását is.
- Zöld színű biztonsági kimenetek: a fénysugarakat nem szakítja meg semmi.
- Narancssárga színű biztonsági kimenetek: állítsa be a fénysugarakat vagy ellenőrizze, hogy a fényfüggöny tiszta-e.
- Piros színű biztonsági kimenetek: a területen belüli fénysugarakat valami megszakítja.
Egyszerű hibadiagnosztika, egyértelmű színjelzésekkel
A jó látható LED állapotjelzők és címkék segítik a megelőző karbantartási feladatok elvégzését a kosz érzékelésével és a készülék várható élettartalmának megállapításával.
Beállítások mentése és visszaállítása az intelligens beállító modullal
Az intelligens beállító modul használatával automatikusan átmásolhatja a kicserélt fényfüggöny beállításait az újra. Gyakorlatilag bárki könnyedén kicserélheti a fényfüggönyöket, és azonnal újraindíthatja a gépet.
Egyszerű felügyelet
- Távoli felügyelet: különféle eszközök csatlakoztathatók az IO-Link segítségével.
- Helyszíni felügyelet: a Bluetooth kommunikációs egység lehetővé teszi mobil eszközökön az eszközleállásokkal kapcsolatos információk megjelenítését.
Egyszerű vezetékezés a tervezési rugalmasság érdekében
Az F3SG-PG-C passzív tükrös területvédelemi berendezés esetében csak a fényforrást/érzékelőt kell vezetékkel csatlakoztatni. A tüköroszlopok révén elegendő csak az egyik egységhez csatlakoztatni a vezetékeket, hogy a berendezés körüli teljes terület védve legyen. Ily módon csökken szükséges kábelcsatornák mennyisége és a bekötési idő is.

Meet Omron's F3SG – SR Safety Light Curtain
F3SG-SR the best ever light curtain. The F3SG-SR series offers a complete lineup of light curtains that comply with global safety standards and a wide range of functionality that covers all aspects from design through to maintenance.