
Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]



Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]


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Műszaki hiba lépett fel. Az űrlap adatai nem kerültek feldolgozásra. Elnézést kérünk ezért, kérjük próbálja meg később ismét. Részletek:[details]


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Make it Sustainable

Wondering how to decarbonize and make your production and manufacturing operations more sustainable? * Let's explore opportunities together through innovative automation solutions.

Reducing emissions together

At OMRON, we put the planet at the forefront of our solutions.

This involves implementing efficient manufacturing processes to contribute to a decarbonized society. Explore our innovative automation solutions to optimize production and streamline processes. Join us in the effort against climate change and our journey towards sustainable manufacturing.
Let's create a better world together!

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Sustainable manufacturing starts here

Smart packaging
Flexibly adapt to new materials, and keep the quality and safety of the packaged product, while meeting environmental and labelling regulations.
Waste Reduction & Management

Implement automation across the value chain to improve production processes, optimize resource use and reduce waste. 
Energy Efficient Solutions

Let advanced energy usage monitoring and visualization, and optimal power control, enhance your energy efficiency. 
ESG Commitments

Commit to lowering your environmental impact and let our rigorous governance standards strengthen your compliance with relevant regulations.

Expert Insights on Sustainable Manufacturing

Gain expert insights into your challenges. Are you looking for data-driven and innovative solutions for your journey towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions? Get to know our experts and join us on the path to sustainable manufacturing.

Cutting-edge insights and strategies driving sustainable manufacturing in our automation blog, covering key topics from renewable energy solutions to eco-friendly production practices

Latest from OMRON: Sustainability Milestones and Recognitions in ESG

Discover OMRON's latest sustainability news and awards, showcasing our commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. 
OMRON's ongoing commitment to sustainability, as we share expert insights and innovative approaches shaping the future of eco-friendly manufacturing.

Explore our customer success stories embracing sustainable manufacturing solutions

Discover how our innovative solutions are helping businesses, like yours, to move towards their net zero greenhouse gas emission goals.

 * Sustainable, in terms of decarbonization and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. OMRON’s automation solutions can help manufacturers improve energy efficiency by reducing power consumption on the production line. Another example is handling (including sealing and gluing) of new and more sustainable packaging materials in the production process. In addition, machine vision, inspection and traceability solutions help ensure quality and reduce waste. For more information, please contact us or visit for full details on our ESG commitment and policies.

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